Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pruning the DVD Collection

I've got a reasonably large dvd collection. Probably larger than most people. I own somewhere around 500 dvds. Unfortunately, most of them have been gathering dust. I decided to severely limit my new dvd purchases about a year ago. I have still picked up a couple, but the collection has not grown significantly in the past twelve months. Now it is time to prune.

I have been using Netflix and Netflix instant more and more in the past year and I am sure other streaming or downladable movie solutions will find their way into my house. So, why do I need these racks of dvds gathering dust? I don't. There are some dvds I won't part with. I went through my collection last night and looked most of them up on the database to see what they would give me for them. I found 100 titles that I feel reasonably okay about getting rid of. I am far too lazy to list them all individually on ebay, so I prefer to send one box off and get some cash in return. I have used SecondSpin in the past when I sold off all my cds.

So, 100 titles down and my dvd collection is still too big. I can't wait until the time comes when I can pay $1 to watch any movie streamed or something like that. Chances are I will still hold on to some dvds, but the fewer the better.

If  you'd like to see what I have left, my library is online here. Change the 'shelf' to dvds.

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