October's box should be here very soon and I still haven't told you about September's box. The reason? Football Manager. I have been seriously addicted to this game. So, that is why I am getting this post up so late.
Update on August's box: Echo by Terry Moore - I have read the first two trades and I really like what I have seen so far. A great foundation that hints at awesome stuff to come. Prince Valiant by Harold Foster - I was secretly hoping this book would be boring, so that I didn't have to buy all the rest of them. (Un) fortunately, it was far from boring. It was quite fun and I am looking forward to reading and buying the next twenty-something volumes.
On first glance, this month's box wasn't quite as awesome as last month's, but still plenty of great stuff. I've mentioned these titles before: The Walking Dead Vol 10, 20th Century Boys Vol 4, The Sword Vol 2, & Ikigami Vol 2. And now on to the new featured items.

Pax Romana by Jonathan Hickman - If you were to design the perfect comic book for me, this book would meet eight of the ten things I love most about comics. I don't really know what those ten things are, but I do know the two things it lacks. What is not lacking is truly amazing story and art. In the near future, scientists working for the Catholic Church develop time travel. So, they decide to send some people back to Constantinian era Rome in order to help the Church and humanity develop a bit differently. Hilarity ensues. Actually, no hilarity, but plenty of awesomeness. The one thing this book really needs is more pages, more volumes, more, more, more. Amazon link.

Collected Essex County by Jeff Lemire - I don't know much about the story in this book, but I have heard from 742 sources that Jeff Lemire's Essex County trilogy is amazing. So, when they announced this one volume collection, I figured I should get it. Haven't read it yet. Amazon link.

Unknown Soldier by Joshua Dysart & Alberto Ponticelli - I am not sure about this book. I am halfway through reading it, but it hasn't grabbed me yet. The setting is what caught my interest. It takes place in Uganda and concerns the Lord's Resistance Army, night commuters and child soldiers. I am not sure about the execution of the story though. I will finish it today and hopefully have something better to say then. Amazon link.
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