I will start out by saying that I always hate the movies when I first see them. I spend the entire viewing cataloging everything that is different from the books. Then I spend hours, days, weeks complaining about how the movies are shit. Let's see if they have grown on me after repeated viewings.

Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - A relatively enjoyable introduction to the world of Harry Potter. This film is a pleasant viewing experience. The differences from the book are significantly less important to the story than we will see in later films.
The Good: The majority of the cast is spot on to how I pictured them in in my mind. Mr. Ollivander is particularly good in a small role.
The Bad: Professor Quirrell didn't work for me.

Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) - Another relatively pleasant viewing experience. Chris Columbus really does a fine job at making the first two films good family entertainment. The series would get 'edgy' starting with the next movie. The first two films also feature Richard Harris as Dumbledore. I appreciate Harris' portrayal more after seeing Gambon in the next three movies, but Harris still isn't perfect in the role.
The Good: Kenneth Branagh is quite good as Lockhart.
The Bad: I find Dobby to be mildly annoying in the movies. They really should have made a bigger deal out of how much everyone at the school thought Harry was the Heir of Slytherin. "Make way for the Heir of Slytherin. Seriously evil wizard coming through." The chat with Dumbledore at the end of the movie is way too short. I was very sad not to see Harry receive his valentine from Ginny.

Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004) - Probably my favorite film of the series so far. New director Alfonso CuarĂ³n really took things in a new direction and I enjoy most of it. I am not saying it is a perfect adaptation, but the bad things in this one are the least objectionable to me.
The Good: David Thewlis is quite good as Lupin. The trio gets more emotional development than they did in the first couple films. Stan Shunpike is awesome.
The Bad: Harry performing magic outside of school. Draco Malfoy hasn't been developed as a true rival to Harry. Snape also doesn't seem to be getting the screen time I would like to see.
The Really Bad: Michael Gambon was given the role of Dumbledore.

Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire (2005) - This one still hasn't grown on me yet. It is bad. I understand the book is huge, but I really disagree with the choices they made on what to keep. In addition, I really hate they way the presented much of the stuff they did keep. Maybe another five viewings and I will like it. Maybe.
The Good: The progression of the Ron/Hermione relationship.
The Bad: I really, really hate the way the Barty Crouch Jr. stuff was handled; both the story changes and the actor who played him. The Death Eater attack at the Quidditch World Cup is a total joke. Why is the Goblet of Fire so huge? Gambon is completely awful as Dumbledore. Why is the pensieve so huge? The first task is portrayed in a really awful way. The Weird Sisters. Moaning Myrtle trying to see Harry's dick through their whole conversation. Neville saying, "I killed Harry Potter." The Grindylow attack on Harry. The lack of obstacles in the maze aside from the bushes. Ralph Fiennes is okay as Voldemort, but I am not too happy with the way the films portray him. Once again, Harry and Dumbledore need to chat more at the end. Brendan Gleeson is pretty awful as Moody. The way Sirius talks to Harry in the fireplace is all wrong.
Things I Really Miss: Dudley eating the Ton-Tongue Toffee. S.P.E.W. Harry learning to fight the Imperius Curse. Priori Incantatem is not explained at all. Dumbledore's disagreement with Fudge at the end of the book really should be in. It sets up the coming battles.

Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix (2007) - When I first saw this film, I nearly walked out during the opening scene. Today was my second viewing and it was still completely awful. JK Rowling has said this is the "best one yet." I respectfully disagree.
The Good: Luna Lovegood.
The Bad: Harry takes his wand out to threaten Dudley with all Dudley's friends standing there. International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, anyone ever heard of it? Soon after there is a broomstick flight that goes right down the Thames. Right next to a touristy boat. Hello?! Secrecy! Harry's frustration at being deprived of information all summer was really under-developed. Harry should have been much angrier when he finally arrived at Grimmauld place. The smear campaign against Harry needed to be explained a lot more. Mrs. Figg. I don't like the decor in the Ministry. Harry's battle of wills with Umbridge is not developed enough. Harry's dreams. Gambon again. The Weasley Twins disrupting exams. Grawp. Umbridge breaking into the Room of Requirement. The battles at the Ministry. Harry hearing the prophecy at the Ministry. Harry handing the prophecy to Lucius! Probably the shortest Harry/Dumbledore chat ever.
The Things I Really Miss: Harry hiding in the bushes trying to hear the news. The cavalcade of owls delivering letters after the dementor attack. The muggle dueling after the quidditch match. All the rooms in the Department of Mysteries. Weasley is our king. Snape's Worst Memory. Ron and Hermione becoming prefects! The Quibbler.
As you can see, it is easier to write more when the movies suck. Hopefully I won't have much negative to say about the three remaining movies. We shall see.
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