Weekend is over and I cleared something from my pile of shame! Yay me. I completed one play of
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Too many words in that title, but what an amazing game! It is a pc game from 2004 that really should be talked about as one of the best RPGs ever. I wasn't expecting a long, engrossing, awesome game when I fired it up. I did the little 'answer these questions to select your character type' thing and jumped right in. Totally enjoyed almost every minute of it.
Why isn't this talked about as one of the best games? Well, it was super-buggy and then then the company went out of business. So, the internet did something right for a change. Over the years they have patched the game to make it super-playable. Thank you internet! I bought the game on sale for $5 from
Direct2Drive and then patched the game with the latest fan patch from
Tessmage.com. Ignore all the digital porn on that site and just download the VTMB patches. Took a bit of time to get all the patches installed and working, but it was totally worth the effort.
I played thru once and there are four other endings possible, so I will definitely be back. If a certain game containing dragons wasn't being released in two hours and forty-seven minutes, I would be playing VTMB right now.
Holy Shits! I just found a totally different mod that will make future playthroughs super excellent. The
Companion mod will allow you to recruit and control other characters. Have them fight for you, hang out in your haven, etc. I definitely am glad I played it solo on the first game, but this should make future plays interesting in a whole new way.